Penelope in Deadly Desire

By Markus Jones

The water by the docks reflects the moonlight, shimmering peacefully. Then a half finished cigarette is tossed in and the dark clad smoker returns to work. The usual silence of the night interrupted by heavy footsteps as cargo is loaded into waiting trucks. They work quickly and in darkness unloading heavy crates from a recently arrived boat. As the man walks across the dock from his cigarette break he hears a soft scuffle of movement from behind a stack of boxes. He furrows his brow and approaches slowly, carefully reaching into his jacket for the comfort of his pistol. He steps round the corner pulling the gun out in a smooth motion... but finds nothing. Then you step out behind him and jam your taser into the side of his neck. He convulses then crumples to the floor. You breathe a sigh of relief as you look down at him "One down"